Thursday, August 4, 2016

Wait. WHAT???

Today I break my social media silence. For acceptance? For approval? Pity? No.

Because Im right. Because Im proud. Because Im not afraid to expose what needs exposing.

And the PERFECT thing is, I wasn't even the one to prove it. It proved itself.

After my seizure I had to make a serious lifestyle change. I decided that I will not "party" as much as I have been (well I suppose my body decided that for me). I do not want what happened to happen again.

This meant that my main social circle no longer fit. Not only was I the only single, childless person, but mostly I didn't like that I was doing anything and everything to fit in...including sacrificing my morals, beliefs, health and individuality.

Then the shootings in Florida happened. Thats when a few of these people started showing their true colors.

Fear. Bigotry. Hate. Guilting others and closed minds. Calling for a race of people to be eliminated (um, Hitler much?) What myself and those around me now refer as selective bigotry and selective ignorance. Example: "Yes all Muslims need to die, they are killing all of our fags!"

Oh. Hell. No.

I needed to move on from this and I did. There were plenty of signs and times I just dismissed something as "oh well they are just drunk" or was told, "well thats just so and so's opinion" But I could no longer excuse the flat out fear and hatred that was not only building up in my social circle, but the world as well.

I cant change the whole world. I CAN change MY world. My world has no room for any of that non-sense.

I decided to give a key back to a house I was trusted with because I knew my absences would get longer and longer. I needed to get my car back as I was a few weeks from being able to drive. I explained that I would not be hanging out as much in the capacity that others may want me too. That I will always be there when needed, that I will always hold fond memories, but that I needed to move on. I was clear that no matter what is said or done going forward, I will always love and be grateful for the time and memories made.

What did I get for that?

I got called a Nigger.

There is so much more I want to say, but I leave it at that (#shockvalue)

Now, after much talking and moving through the pain, what I really want is this...I want everyone to know that your decisions are RIGHT. If you are wavering on something, do it. We have one life, dont live it in fear, hatred and child like name calling. Eat the cake, drive in the rain, fly on a plane, change your mind and then change it again. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN! Have faith and confidence in if what you are deciding is best for you, then you need to do it! The justifications will reveal themselves in due time.

The only thing I needed to seal the deal that it was the right decision to seperate myself wasn't even from me. That's what I am MOST proud of...that and that my BEST REVENGE will be...

a full life well lived.

Yea I said it.

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