Monday, December 9, 2013

So where the heck should I start???

How many times have I started this sentence. For reals, like 15, maybe 20.

I want to start this blog. I want to talk about anything and everything. I believe I have good insight, strong opinions and I get very excited about the things and the people I love.

So why am I having such a hard time finding a place to start. Should I start with my intentions, or the topics I want to cover. Should I go into my history, get into the details...blah blah snnooooonzzzee fest 2013.

I suppose I doubt myself because when it comes to a lot of whats on my mind, I'm a total novice. I'm not versed in stats or have had read shelves of books. I'm not that good of a writer and my grammar is atrocious. I think its perfectly human to get caught up in what others will think, that they will judge us and rate us and push us down to lift them selves up (even MORE so on the internet) So then we don't say whats really in our heart. I mean why would anybody care what I have to say anyways right...

But I believe that what I have to say is profound, what anyone has to say is profound really otherwise it wouldn't be said. 

Then I got to thinking and I looked up the definition of profound 

Nail. Head. Hit dead on.

So that is going to be this Blog. Its going to be intense and sincere. It will be heart felt and cleaver, perceptive and thoughtful. It will be great, radical and perceptive. Sports, movies, topical issues, things that move, things that scare, things that lift up and things that breakdown...what ever it is, it will be profound.

Yeah...I said it

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