Monday, April 7, 2014

Peeps...and NOT of the marshmallow variety

Friends, there’s nothing better than friends…

I had a cartoon on tape called Rose Petal and Friends. She sang this song in the beginning of the show, when the magic in the garden took place and all the flowers would come to life as her friends, Violet, Daffodil, Lilly…and as many little ones do I watched it OVER and OVER again…but today that song popped in my head and rightfully so.

My mommy used to say to me when we get into fights that I care more for my friends then I did my family. And maybe being adopted and trying to find my identity growing up had something to do with that, but none the less my friends ARE my family (BTW my FAMILY are my FRIENDS too, sometimes people cant say that as well…so don’t get it twisted…lol)

This past week has really opened my eyes to the loving people I get to have in my life. It also throws into sharp contrast just how crippling my depression got in “The Dark Time” as I call it (after my Mom passed, then up until I quit AT&T) I tried every possible way to run from my old friends, friends I’ve hurt, or ignored for whatever reason, friends I was jealous of, or trying to chase people who I THOUGHT were my friends. But this past week has showed me that I have some of the most AWESOME friends and my true peeps have been here all along, and nothing- NOTHING has or will change in the way we care about each other. I was so closed, so afraid of having to explain what I thought was my lowly existence, to be embarrassed that I’ve done nothing in my life but run away from pain to even let the love in…

BTW I am BAWLING as I write this.

But that’s over now, things are clear. I have salt of the earth people in my life now…all the rif-raff is gone and there is just us…my peeps.

We talk about it all the time…I just talked about it today…how its been a minn in some cases but TRUE peeps never go away. No matter how far apart we may drift, we always come back to each other in the end.

Seeing 3 people at the store, going and grabbing a drink and seeing more at the pub, going to Moses and spending time with the goodness I’ve been blessed to be apart of, going out to lunch today then ending the day making plans for more fun…at every turn I see someone that I love and that I have missed dearly, no matter if it’s been since last summer, a few years ago, or considerably longer…people that have never left my heart.

I know you have peeps like this in your life…and just know if you think you don’t, you are wrong…you have me J

Yea I said it.