Monday, March 24, 2014

The cold never bothered me anyway...

So this is the night to blog...but all I want to do is watch Frozen because I don't know all the words yet...I am in LOVE with that move right makes me think of my sister and I (She would be Ana and I would be Elsa) and it chokes me up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!

Yep I'm a Disney girl...till I die...Cinderella's glass slipper is forever tattooed on my left ankle (ahem...the very foot she lost the shoe on the begin with- go big or go home) That movie was my very first gift I had ever received...old school clam shell case with the VHS inside...still have it and will never let it go! Thank god for DVD though casue it was lookin kinda whack on the playback (hey that rhymed)

I remember when I was younger, bout 21, 22...there was this girl I worked with named Angie that told me that I was TOO Disney, that guys won't like that and I'll need to grow out of it eventually...


But I will have to say that now a days it's much cooler to be a 'nerd' in whatever respect that may be, Disney, Star Wars, Cosplay etc...I mean some of your friends may still look at you funny when you go off on a tangent about how Ichigo was trying to save Rukia from execution in the Soul Society and how he had to fight off all the captains and senior officers of the 13 Court Guard Squads only after he just learned his Banki release...oops sorry did I loose you for a sec....ANYWAYS now one can embrace their inner fandom with out regret because there are a million others out there who love the same crazy fun stuff you do...and we all can meet up at our favorite Con...(lé sigh...I wish I was going to comic con this year...but even if I did I have no outfit planned and that is just unacceptable!)

So NO Angie...I will never change what I like regardless of how childish it may seem...I will never not be a Disney, Lord of the Rings, Vampires, Star Wars, Video game, Superhero, cartoon loving fan girl who just wants to geek out on her favorite things.

Now excuse me I've got some finishing touches to go on the songs from Frozen...


Yea I said it!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Just start writing

I made an alert on my phone to just start writing and it just went off

Lets see, LOTSA happenings with my Hawks and free agency, a plane is missing in the Pacific ocean yet cell phones can be triangulated by our government, etc etc...but more on that topical stuff later

Lets talk about what I'm currently baffled by, and that's the world of online dating...

So I haven't jumped into this scene in a minn, and I was feeling kinda lonely. A trigger went off when I was at my friends parents 40th wedding anniversary where I realized that as much as I value and hold true to my independence...I will never be 40 years with someone, other than myself.

Ive pretty much let the ship a sail on me ever finding a mate, its just not going to happen because Im the exact person who deserves true love, like true princess-style love with the romance and the flowers and the perfect and the longevity, and since that Disney -ish NEVER happens in real life...well there you go, aaaand I'm resigned. Whatev... I have a life full of freedom and friendship and not many can say they have that either.

But those damn I start thinking...there's GOT to be someone out there for me. There are guys who like big girls, whole sites dedicated to us BBW's...and plus I'm hella cute and SUPER funny...I should be able to find some decent guy with my ONE requirement (that being a J-O-B) Right? Right?

WRONGGGGG!!!! Wrong-ady-wrong-wrong with an extra side of WRONG!

Now don't get ME wrong (lol)...if Im ever looking for a quicky, I know where to turn, and that may work in a pinch, but that's not want I want. I want my life to change, like I hear so many people say theirs does when they meet their love. I want the stars and the moon and the flowers and the that too much to ask? (I know, I know it is really, as I live in fairy tale land but like I said...WHATEV)

I've spent so much time holding back and not putting myself out there, being TOO independent for fear of getting hurt that its actually hurting more now. The only reason why Im alone is because...Im alone. Sorr,y got emotionally sidetracked there for a minn...

But GOOD GOD man...ok first of all. DONT put a picture up of you and another girl...I don't care if shes your sister - not ideal. Second...why the hell do men think that girls WANT to see a picture of your junk? Guys are visual, I get that but NO you don't get a pic of my girls right out the gate either...if you are looking for just that I got a few web sites you can check out...on the free-free, ya dig?

But not all of them are looking for a wham-bam-ty-ma'am (it sure seems like it though) The ones that you WANT to message you back never do, or they are SO persistent that it actually turns you off. Im for absolute positive that its the same on the other side of the fence, but minus the girls sending their ta ta pics IMMED...but u never know....

So my adventure will continue down a path I've never taken the time to go down before...hopefully to find a gem in this sea of...of...not gems...I mean seriously as flattering as it might "seem" to be, keep on movin if all you want is a booty call.

Yep, I said it!